Our Services
Geekibo understands each charity is different, with different challenges and goals. Here are some of the services we provide to help you optimise your income.
Help your charity to track and maximise income, by streamlining the ways donors and fundraisers can make donations. Once the income streams are maximised Geekibo can help to track the income streams and donors so that better decisions can be made to stabilise future income.
A web presence is a must for charities. Prospective donors, fundraisers and beneficiaries expect to find out about the charity via their mobile device or laptop computer. Geekibo can help build and implement a fully scalable and responsive website that will serve your charity for years.
Most charities now realise that they need run a lean and effective charity. Cloud technology offers a “only pay for what you use” service that allows charities to use the latest tools at a fraction of the cost but with all the benefits. Geekibo will help with office 365 migrations and platform and infrastructure migrations.
Geekibo will come along the journey with you. We don’t just go away after implementing your requirement. We can always offer ongoing support for as long as you need us, with a support offering that fits your charity's budget and requirements.
Charities can have many separate systems or processes. These systems and processes need to be linked together so that’s charities can reduce manual effort and have a consolidated landscape, enabling them to make better decisions and react to an ever-changing market.
Geekibo has a wealth of experience in the charity sector and can give consultancy services to charities. The services range from general charity process to specific IT systems advice. Consultancy subjects include: software or hardware.